Thursday, August 30, 2012

Coming Out Can be Murder

“I have no idea of why I said I would review this book. The genre is something I would normally never choose. It is so far out of my comfort zone. That being said, I have to tell you that the author is really good. I felt I would just read a few chapters and then return the book saying I can’t read this. It goes against all of my beliefs.

My problem was the characters seem to draw me into the story. I loved Bobbi and hated what all she went through. I thought I was so smart that I had everything already worked out. I was really surprised when I found out I was wrong.

This book is not for everyone. It has to do with transgender people, lesbians and gays. Plus, some things I had no knowledge of. It was a learning experience for me. Would I like to read this genre again? I don’t think so but not for the reasons most may think.

The writing was interesting and revealing. I am sorry for anyone who is treated like trash. There is an old saying and it is, “God Don’t Make No Junk.”

There are a lot of people and kids out there that could be helped by this book. Some that may be thinking about suicide. While this book is a very good mystery, it could be saving someone’s life. “

Rated PG 18

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Grandma's Stories Tales of the Wild West

A friend of mine sent me quite a few books from Mr. Steber. He uses them when he teaches school. I have found no matter what your age is each book is interesting. While the stories are only a page long the history that you learn is priceless.

Kids find it hard to realize that people could do without so much. I know that my own grandson’s ask me why I always say ice box instead of refrigerator. Well that is because that is what we had.

The reason I say this book is good for everyone is because I think we all take things for granted. So sit back with your child or grand-children and take them back through the history of the beginning of our country. How people made it without all the things we enjoy and use today.
Rated G

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Alexander and Tristan, you are so blessed to have a dad who loves you so much that he wrote a book just for you. I am glad your dad is sharing this story with the public also.

I have enjoyed this work of fantasy. One of the things that have made this book so special to me is the sense of family. How much they loved each other and would die if they had too, to protect each other.

From the beginning to the end this book holds your attention. I can see a parent reading this book out loud to their kids. Texting or playing games will stop as they listen to the words of this story.

This book is filled with adventure and suspense. You will find golden dragons fighting to survive in a world filled with humans. Humans who want to kill them for what they have. While there is violence in this book it is nothing to what most games portray.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hold until further notice

Lodestone Book 4

"I was amazed that the author was able to take us to a new dimension in the fourth installment of the series. One filled with so many twists that anyone who has read the first three books of this series will be surprised.

"The book can also stand alone, but I recommend that people go back and read the other books first. In the weak economy we are facing here in the USA, buying books can be a luxury. I would say if you like science fiction, you have come to the right place.

"I have been surprised by what happens in this book, but never disappointed. A tremendously likable book. The way this book ended I can see where there needs to be at least another book in the series.

" I would buy this book, as well as the other three. In fact this would make a great movie or television series."

Rated G